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By 4/14/2008

Am I turning into an alcoholic? (o_O)

Last Friday, I had dinner and drinks with Glenn & Haley and I had 1 chu-hi (shochu with lemonade soda....tasted really bland with no kick), 1 umeshu with soda (had to ask them to add more umeshu before it tasted yum), 1 peachitini and 1 bellini (champagne with peach syrup). Those drinks had nooooo effect on me...except that I was feeling very warm. That's about it.

Then I met up with Sing, Chow, Kewei & Jib for @ St. James. I had a cosmopolitan and a shot (either the orgasm/ slippery nipple) and still...no effect. Hmmm......didn't even feel sleepy...which was weird.

Last Saturday was Edmund's wedding (Congrats dude!) and I controlled myself...I only had 1 glass of red and a glass of white (excellent stuff) as I drove that day. Saw a really cute guy on the other table who is Edmund's good friend based in HK (he's not Singaporean) and I'm kinda regretting not introducing myself. Ah well...he'll remain as my eye candy for now. I blame the lack of alcohol for the lack of self confidence. People think that I'm very confident...but honestly, I'm quite a shy person. I can even turn into a hikikomori (someone who stays in one's room forever, with little or no human interaction due to an innate fear of the outside world). Yeah...I do think I've got hikikomori tendencies. I can stay at home for a week without going out. However, a hikikomori I am not as I don't fear society. The point I'm trying to make is that I'm quite introverted. I'm just super talkative to people whom I click with. :)

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