Welcome to my blog !


By 11/29/2004

Weird to have a website addy as a title isn't it? Well...it really isn't that strange if you consider that this website is the concrete proof of my first venture into the business world. Welcome to my forray into selling and making jewellery (together with my darling friends). I am now not only a mere artist who makes stuff to sell, but am doing the marketing and accounts. We just had a booth at a Christmas Fair at Chijmes. The amount raked in was pretty good...except that the rent was a killer. It bled us of $250 for 2 days!!!!! *sigh* but it was a very valuable experience AND we're going to have another booth at Ngee Ann Poly's Christmas Bazaar in dec...more details on that in another entry.

I am proud of myself and what we girls have done. We had almost no help from our parents (except for transportation, buying us dinner...and Sing's mum and aunt's HUGE order, my parent's lamp...). I would like to formally thank ALL of our supporters and those who placed huge orders despite being friends and paying the full retail price. We would love to give you discounts but y'all have graciously declined. We love all of you because you not only helped us recoup our cost, but have shown us what true friendship is all about. This also goes out to those who didn't purchase any of our products but gave us moral support by just being there. Statistics show that 1 out of 3 new businesses fold after a year. It is our dream and hope that Mystique Gifts will continue to strive year after year.

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All views presented on this blog are based on personal opinions and experiences with no monetary compensation was received unless otherwise stated.

My Polyvore Sets
