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By 6/10/2008

I'm allergic to work.

It has just been 3rd week into my job and I'm feeling tired and bored. I don't have that "I have to drag my ass out of bed" syndrome yet but I'm having the "Arghs, I've got to wake up now" syndrome. I hate my alarm clock. It shocks me awake. I do not like to be shocked awake.

I'm recalling what Jiak said to me earlier that I didn't get a degree to call cabs for people. Told Irene that statement yesterday and she said that ya, she didn't get a degree to book restaurants for others too but you need a freaking degree to get into this company. Ah well...at least they're paying me relatively well for my boredom. Can't really complain. I'm bored but I'm not worried about knives being stuck into my back and there are a lot of people here who still remember me despite my 1 year hiatus. I'm so touched :)

I am finally reading the book that Clare gave to me as a farewell present and I can't help but feel that it's so apt. Message: God gave you the potential to fulfill the dream that he implanted in you. I shouldn't let what others say or think hamper me from moving towards that dream. Ok...inspired! Am sitting this job out for the next 8 mths to gain enough financial stability!!!

Was singing in the shower last night and I realised that my voice quality has really gone down the drain. I need vocal lessons. :( $$$

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