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Why do assholes exist?

By 11/30/2004

Sing was relating what happened this afternoon when she met Kenric (to all those who dunno, Kenric's my ex). Sing was commenting how Chow (Sing's bf) and I had went against our word and watched "The Incredibles" without her. Idiotic Kenric's reply was, "I'm not surprised that SHE did that." What the hell was that supposed to mean? Sheesh...! Do you know that up till today, he thinks of me as a sarcastic Catholic? A junior in KR told me another incident that happened in a conversation between Kenric and herself. That freshie said that she was being sarcastic to him and said, "Don't think that I'm sarcastic because I'm Catholic." His reply was: "It's ok. I know a lot of sarcastic Catholics. My ex is one." I knew that he would have some resentment and hate (although I think hate is rather harsh) towards me. The worst thing is that I saw it coming. He didn't have very nice things to say about his first ex, Karrin, either. Now, I really doubt most of what he told me about her. He still behaves as Mr. Know-it-all. He makes me so irritated that I feel like going into a boxing ring with him and punching the living daylights out of him. Why do people like him exist?

My bro once told me that we should see the God in everyone because God exists in all of us. I really didn't hold any grudge against Kenric after we broke up. I constantly prayed for him, that he'll be touched by God and that he'll stop opposing any form of Christianity. Well, that part of the prayer was certainly answered since he's now going to church (New Creation church). I did pray that he'll have a renewal of heart...I still think he needs that. I feel like telling him one day: Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you're an asshole!

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